Port Lincoln & Poonindie Preschool Centralised Intention to Enrol

In accordance with the Department for Educations ‘Preschool Enrolment Procedure 2017’, all SA preschools must endeavour to provide places for children living within the local geographical catchment area of the preschool as the first priority. Preschools may commence offering enrolments to families residing in the preschool’s designated geographic catchment area using their service’s priority of access guidelines, and up to their staffing allocation and enrolment cap, from the beginning of August in the year before the child is eligible to start. Preschools may accept children outside their local geographic catchment area, where there are available places in the second round of enrolment offers (September) although it is not guaranteed that your child will get into your preferred preschool if you reside outside of the local geographical catchment area. It is important to note however that all children will be assured of a place in one of the Department for Education preschool within Port Lincoln and we will aim to consider your preferences.

What are you preferred preschool(s) for enrolment if you don’t wish to enrol in your closest preschool (please number from 1 to 5 – 1 being first preference)

80 St Andrews Terrace
63 Stevenson St
5 Willison St
Park Terrace
Hirschausen Rd
Information brochures for each preschool are available on request or you can view their websites
  • The Early Childhood Leader in consultation with the Preschool Directors will coordinate the enrolment of preschool children across Port Lincoln.
  • Once you have received / confirmed your enrolment offer, the Preschool Director will inform you before your child is eligible to start preschool to discuss session times and other important information.
  • Please inform the Director of any change of information such as contact details, address or an alternative Preschool enrolment.

Details of the person completing this form