

Welcome to the Port Lincoln Children’s Centre. We look forward to a long and happy partnership with you and your family.

This webpage has information about our session times, childcare, enrolment, fees and bus services. For more detailed information about the Centre, please refer to our News & Events page.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask our staff.

We offer a bus service for children who do not have transport.

Hot lunch is provided by childcare for $1.00 a day.

Please bring in a piece of fruit to share for morning and afternoon tea.

Session Times

4 year old kindy operates:

  • Monday: 8:30am – 3:00pm
  • Tuesday: 8:30am – 3:00pm
  • Wednesday: 8:30am – 12:30pm every second Wednesday

3 year old Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kindy operates:

  • Wednesday: 8:30am – 12:30pm every second Wednesday
  • Thursday: 8:30am – 3:00pm
  • Friday: 8:30am – 3:00pm
Kindergarten Fees
  • 4 year old: $51.50 per term
  • 3 year old: $51.50 per term
Policies and Procedures

Please take the time to read our policies and procedures on our Policies page, which provide more specific information regarding the centre.

Kindergarten Daily Routine
8:30 | Bus run begins

8:45 | Kindy open – Welcome parents and children sign-in, organise lunches and lockers. Inside activities and play.

9:30 | Bus children arrive – Organise lunches and lockers. Indoor/outdoor free play.

10:15 | Helper of the day rings the bell for ‘mat time’ – Roll call, small groups, singing, stories.

10:30 | Wash hands – Morning tea, fruit, crackers and milk

10:40 | Indoor/outdoor free play

11:30 | Wash hands – Lunch

12:00 | Relaxation and quiet activities

12:15 | Outdoorplay – Bike track – Rec area

2:00 | Pack-up – Inside/outside, bus run begins

2:15 | Mat time

2:30 | Wash hands – Afternoon tea, fruit and snacks

3:00 | Kindy finished

Please note:
Kindy closes at 3:00pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and bus run begins at 2:00pm

kindy closes at 12:30pm every second Wednesdays and bus run begins at 11:45am


  • Daily 8:30am – 5:15pm
  • Morning 8:30am – 12:30pm
  • Afternoon 12:30pm – 5:15pm
Childcare Fees
  • Daily $120.83
  • Morning $55.24
  • Afternoon $ 65.59
Childcare Daily Schedule
Following a daily schedule assists children feel secure because they can depend on a consistent routine and predict events of the day. Our daily schedule is flexible, to promote your child’s development and interests. We are child directed, not guided by the clock.
Childcare Daily Routine

8:30-9:45 | Centre opens – Welcome parents and children. Learning activities.

9:45-10:00 | Prepare for morning tea – Tidy up; singing; stories; wash hands.

10:00-10:15 | Morning Tea – fruit, crackers, cheese & milk.

10:15-11:30 | Indoor/outdoor learning activities and play – eg. art; construction; ball games; sandpit; movement; pretend play; obstacle courses.

11:30 | Wash hands and lunch.

12:00 | Prepare for rest/sleep time.

1:00 | Quiet activities as children wake up – Indoor/outdoor learning activities and play.

2:45-3:00 | Afternoon snack – wash hands eat afternoon tea.

3:00-4:30 | Indoor/outdoor learning activities and play.

4:30-5:15 | Pack up, quiet activities until parents arrive. Encourage children to help. Greet parents.

5:15 | Centre Closes


Hard copy is available upon request

Waiting list application form

Link to online form

More Information

PDF Document

Kindy Bus Service

The kindy bus can collect children for the kindy sessions and return them home. Priority will be given to parents who do not have transport so their children to access the kindy. Parents who have transport are encouraged to bring their children in to kindy. Parents who wish to visit the kindy program or who are willing to come in as parent helpers can also travel on the bus, numbers permitting. The bus is also used for excursions. The bus is not available to transport childcare children to and from home.

Please notify the centre on 86833073 between 8.15am – 9.00am if your child is not attending kindy or if you have made other travel arrangements to get them to kindy. The bus has a CB radio and our staff can contact the driver to let him know any changes. This helps all children to be on the bus for the minimal time each day.

Child Care Package

From 10 July 2023, CCS is changing. Most families using child care will get more subsidy. Some families previously not eligible for CCS will now get it. Broadly, changes are:

  • The maximum amount of CCS is increasing from 85% to 90%.
  • Families earning $80,000 or less will get a CCS rate of 90%.
  • Families earning over $80,000 get a CCS rate that tapers down by 1 percentage point for each $5,000 of family income. This rate reaches 0% for families earning $530,000.
  • Families with more than one child aged 5 or under in care can still get a higher rate for their second and younger children.